Arms Procurement Commission
The international arms trade remains among the most opaque and non-transparent areas of the world economy.
South Africa has domestic and international obligations that require transparency and the fight against corruption. Unfortunately though, one of South Africa’s biggest scandals of the post-apartheid era involves allegations of wrongdoing in the procurement of arms.
Cases and Judgements
Former president Thabo Mbeki final witness statement before the Arms Procurement Commission.
Seriti Commission a cover up: Arms Deal critics
Three key witnesses at the hearing into the mutli-billion rand Arms Deal on Thursday called for the...
LHR cross-examines Thabo Mbeki
LHR cross-examines former president Thabo Mbeki at the Arms Procurement Commission into the multi-...
Live: Testimony of former finance minister Trevor Manuel
Former finance minister Trevor Manuel will testify today at the Arms Procurement Commission in...
Arms deal whistle blower up in arms
Arms deal wistleblower, author and former African National Congress member of Parliament Andrew...